
Friday, January 15, 2010

January Groceries: Week 2

Due to the Pantry Challenge and slight overspending on my part last week, this week's budget was $31.84. I originally overspent this as well. The culprit? Diapers for daycare. However, I was with the boy at Target and in a hurry, so I bought the old size 4s and will be returning them. With the diapers, I spent $35.19. Over, but not by much. Without, I spent $24.30.

What did we buy?

64 oz apple juice, 2 cans of Cars chicken soup, 1 bag of Archer Farms breakfast blend coffee, 1 bar vanilla almond bark, 2 bars chocolate almond bark, coffee filters, vitamins, toothpaste
Total: $24.30
Savings: $5.20

2 gallons skim milk, 1/2 gallon chocolate milk
Total: $0
Savings: $5.49

Now, you may be looking at Dominicks and wondering how I got free milk. Milk was $1.99 a gallon this week if you bought two. I used a buy 2 gallons get 1/2 gallon of chocolate coupon, but that half gallon was priced at $3.49, which I didn't notice because the cheaper stuff was missing and I read the wrong price tag. Anyway, the checker range up my coupon, which maxed at $3, for $2.49. We paid with a Dominicks gift card earned by transferring a prescription last week. I noticed that the coupon had been mistyped as we left, so I packed the boy into the car and my husband went back to ask customer service about it (we had a spare coupon to show him). Customer service couldn't quite figure out what we wanted ($.51) and gave my husband back $3.

Week 2 Total: $24.30
Week 2 Savings: $10.69

January Total-to-date: $92.46
January Savings-to-date: $66.86

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